Categories: Movie News

MOVIE POLL: What is your favorite vampire movie?

What is your favorite vampire movie?

Bram Stoker’s Dracula
18.52% = 245 votes

The Lost Boys
11.87% = 157 votes

Interview with the Vampire
8.62% = 114 votes

Fright Night (1985)
7.26% = 96 votes

From Dusk Till Dawn
6.80% = 90 votes

Blade II
5.74% = 76 votes

What We Do in the Shadows
5.44% = 72 votes

4.91% = 65 votes

Let the Right One In
4.91% = 65 votes

Near Dark
4.23% = 56 votes

30 Days of Night
4.01% = 53 votes

Salem’s Lot
2.87% = 38 votes

Dracula (1931)
1.59% = 21 votes

1.59% = 21 votes

Horror of Dracula
1.59% = 21 votes

1.51% = 20 votes

Other (Tell us below!)
1.51% = 20 votes

Dracula (1979)
0.91% = 12 votes

0.68% = 9 votes

Only Lovers Left Alive
0.68% = 9 votes

0.60% = 8 votes

Dracula: Prince of Darkness
0.53% = 7 votes

0.45% = 6 votes

The Fearless Vampire Killers
0.45% = 6 votes

0.38% = 5 votes

Nosferatu the Vampyre
0.38% = 5 votes

Vampire Hunter D
0.30% = 4 votes

A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night
0.30% = 4 votes

Innocent Blood
0.23% = 3 votes

The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires
0.23% = 3 votes

The Hunger
0.23% = 3 votes

Stake Land
0.15% = 2 votes

Mr. Vampire
0.15% = 2 votes

0.15% = 2 votes

0.08% = 1 votes

0.08% = 1 votes

Love at First Bite
0.08% = 1 votes

Daughters of Darkness
0.00% = 0 votes

The Addiction
0.00% = 0 votes

Blood for Dracula
0.00% = 0 votes

TOTAL VOTES = 1323 votes
Published by
Dave Davis