Categories: JoBlo Originals

What will you be watching this weekend? (September 21)

Finally! The work week is over and you’ll have some free time to relax, crack a cold one, pop that corn and nuke some ‘chos all in the noble pursuit of cinematic entertainment! Every Friday, we’d like to hear what everyone will be watching over the weekend, whether it be on TV, DVD and Blu-ray or in theaters.

So what’s on your movie agenda this weekend? Here’s what I’m thinking about watching…


Man, this is going to be a solid weekend for anyone heading to the big screen.

What’s not to like about the Judge Dredd reboot DREDD 3D?! Karl Urban seems to be rocking the helm first brought to the screen by Sly along with the most hardcore frown I’ve ever seen in a movie poster. I’m excited to see Lena Headey as a nefarious drug kingpin with a skyscraper full of goons at her disposal but most of all I’m stoked for some good ol’ no-holds-barred hyper-violent R-Rated action. I expect nothing less than a kickass flick and I’m pretty sure I won’t be able to contain my excitement when Urban utters the immortal line “I am the Law!” I mean he has to say it, right? It’s obligatory!

I wasn’t really keeping the Jake Gyllenhaal/Michael Pena cop flick END OF WATCH on my radar but after checking out JimmyO’s positive review it’s definitely got my interest now. Screenwriter David Ayer is no slouch when it comes to police centric flicks (TRAINING DAY anyone?) and from what I have seen END OF WATCH has an almost documentary feel to it that adds some extra realism to the drama about two cops being singled out by a gang.

Now I love baseball and I love a good Clint Eastwood film so if you combine those two things into one of course I’m going to want to check out TROUBLE WITH THE CURVE. It’s been almost two decades since Eastwood has starred in a movie that he did not also direct and I’d love to see how that change translates to the final product. In TROUBLE he plays an ailing baseball scout who decides to bring his daughter (played by the always welcomed Amy Adams) along for his last recruiting trip. I hear it’s a pretty light plot with a bit of humor but that doesn’t matter to me, it’s got Clint and baseball … throw in a slice homemade apple pie and you couldn’t get any more American.

Check out all of the THEATRICAL RELEASES right here


I don’t know how the first episode of BOARDWALK EMPIRE‘s third season slipped past me last weekend but I remedied that situation and am ready for this Sunday night. The HBO/Martin Scorsese produced period gangster drama is heating up with Nucky Thompson (played by the great Steve Buscemi) looking to stir things upon the business end. As the poster says, “you can’t be a half gangster” so it’s only a matter of time before Nucky has to decide between his legitimate business interests or criminal dealings … the only problem is it’s damn hard to tell which is which anymore.

SNL is back! Last weekends season premiere of SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE was one of the most consistantly funny episodes I’ve seen in a long time (Seth McFarlane owned it) and this week could be even better! With host Joseph Gordon-Levitt at the helm and the musical guest none other than the amazing Mumford & Sons I have high hopes. JGL hosted SNL last season and immediately won me over in his musical monologue and it’ll be good to see him using his considerable comedic talents after all of the serious stuff he’s been in recently.

Last weekend I took the plunge and watched my second DOCTOR WHO episode ever … I think I’m hooked. I don’t know what it is about British shows but they just have a direct line to my sense of humor. While I obviously have a helluva lot of catching up to do I’ll probably catch the new episode this Saturday as well. It seems to involve some kind of invasion of Earth by seemingly harmless black cubes falling from the sky … that may not sound as exciting as last weekends cyborg gunfighter but I’ll take WHO anyway I can get it now.



This weekend I’ve got only one release on my mind … and its name is Indiana Jones!

INDIANA JONES: THE COMPLETE ADVENTURES marks the first time the original trilogy has been released on Blu-ray and the digital restoration is more beautiful than any pilfered golden fertility idol. Hell, maybe this set belongs in a museum! Along with RAIDERS, TEMPLE and CRUSADE the directoral team of Spielberg and Lucas were kind enough to throw in 7-hours of special features (much of which is brand new to this release). I kind of cheated on the weekend and already watched RAIDERS but I fully intend to revisit them all again in a proper Indy Marathon this weekend. Oh, and yes, KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL SKULL is also included, I guess they figured you could use a new coaster …

Also out this week is the Drew Goddard/Joss Whedon’s CABIN IN THE WOODS, a ridiculously fun genre-bending homage to horror. You may recall that CABIN had battled a long theatrical release delay but when it finally hit the screen in my town it was probably one of the funnest times at the movies I can remember. If you’ve not already checked it out I won’t spoil CABIN’s awesomeness here but you need to do yourself a favor and place this bad boy at the top of your to-watch pile.

Oh, did I mention how awesome the INDY Blu-rays are? Good, because they are.

Check out all of the DVD/BLU-RAY RELEASE DATES/COVERS right here



Published by
Jacob Riley