What will you be watching this weekend? Wreck-it Ralph, Dexter, Man with the Iron Fists, Safety Not Guaranteed and SNL

Finally! The work week is over and you’ll have some free time to relax, crack a cold one, pop that corn and nuke some ‘chos all in the noble pursuit of cinematic entertainment! Every Friday we’d like to hear what everyone will be watching over the weekend, whether it be on TV, DVD and Blu-ray or in theaters.

So what’s on your movie agenda this weekend? Here’s what I’m thinking about watching…


“I’m gonna wreck it!”

That might as well be the tagline for both the flicks I’m most excited to check out this weekend although they could not be from more opposite ends of the movie spectrum.

I was born into a world where home consoles were just becoming mainstream but arcades could still be found all over town so it was a good time to be a gamer with a pocket full of quarters. Which is why everything I have seen about WRECK-IT RALPH has been a massive nostalgia shot to the arm. Just a few weeks back the 8-year old me let out an unadulterated noise of delight when I saw the trailer that featured the villain support group. So congratulations Disney! Between this and now owning STAR WARS you might as well just garnish my wages because my money is all yours for the foreseeable future. Our official review for WRECK-IT RALPH can be read right here!

But as much as I am sure I’ll adore WRECK-IT RALPH it looks like RZA’s fantastical kung-fu opus MAN WITH THE IRON FISTS is ready to beat my retinas to a bloody pulp … in a good way. With a cast that includes a nefariously mustachioed Russell Crowe, Lucy Liu and that one Bond villain that had that diamond acne problem I’m expecting an entertaining, no-holds-barred homage to a film genre that hasn’t seen a lot of bigscreen love in while. Bring it!

Check out all of the THEATRICAL RELEASES right here



Screw you Hurricane Sandy!

Louis C.K. and the SNL players are still bringing the funny this Saturday night! I’m sure some of you East Coast schmoes that weathered that b*tch of a storm could use some laughs right about now and if there is one man that can bring genuine hearty laughter out of me when I’m feeling down his name is Louis C.K. and with Fun coming along for the ride as the musical guest it should be a solid show.

Has anyone seen Carl recently? Halloween may have come and gone this year but THE WALKING DEAD will keep zombie spirit alive for weeks to come. But the undead are the least of Rick Grimes and Co.’s worries with “The Governor” laying down his own brutal brand of law. Fight the dead, fear the living.

It would appear that DEXTER could breath a sigh of relief after last weeks episode, but that isn’t the case. With the “Bay Harbor Butcher” case secretly being reopened and a new woman in his life that could be a little less than innocent when it comes to being a murderer it looks like there won’t be any rest for the wicked; unless Dexter’s knife finds them. This season has been my favorite since the “Trinity Killer” story arc from a couple years back and it is building into something spectacular and we’re only halfway through it!



Pop quiz hotshot! Which Hitchcock films deserve to be on Blu-ray? Trick question! The answer is all of them and while that may not be a reality yet the ALFRED HITCHCOCK: THE MASTERPIECE COLLECTION does include 15 of his greatest flicks of suspense and intrigue, many of them being available for the first time in hi-def. This set spans over three decades and starting with; Sabotuer, Shadow of a Doubt, Rope, Rear Window, The Trouble with Harry, The Man Who Knew Too Much, Veritgo, North by Northwest, Psycho, The Birds, Marnie, Torn Curtain, Topaz, Frenzy and Family Plot along with a slew of special features. This is definitely going to be a must-own for any Hitchcock die-hards.

“Wanted: Somebody to go back in time with me. This is not a joke. You’ll get paid after we get back. Must bring your own weapons. I have only done this once before. Safety not guaranteed.”

When I heard that the “real-life” 1997 magazine ad that made the late-night talkshow rounds was the inspiration for the movie SAFETY NOT GUARANTEED I was very interested in catching the flick. Unfortunately it only received a limited (read: not within 600 miles of me) theatrical release and I was kind of bummed, but now that it’s out on DVD and Blu-ray this week it is at the top of my list.

Earlier this week one of the most darkly comic horror films ever made, ROSEMARY’S BABY, got the Criterion Collection treatment just in time for anyone looking for a new Halloween movie-marathon staple. Not only does the 1968 flick look amazing but the special features are pretty freakin’ awesome too. They include brand-new interviews with director Roman Polanski, actress Mia Farrow and the legendary producer Robert Evans as well as a feature-lengthed documentary on composer Krzysztof Komeda who was responsible for one of the most haunting scores ever.

Check out all of the DVD/BLU-RAY RELEASE DATES/COVERS right here



Published by
Jacob Riley