Categories: Horror Movie News

Where is Guillermo del Toro’s Haunted Mansion?

It has been more than a little while since we received an update on Guillermo del Toro’s THE HAUNTED MANSION, which was initially announced at Comic-Con 2010. Back in September of that year, del Toro said that he had turned in a draft to Disney and was waiting for an announcement from them… And, well, we know del Toro’s been through a few things since then, and not a one of them involves HAUNTED MANSION.

Still, it hasn’t dropped off his radar, and thank goodness for that. (I personally would absolutely love to see del Toro’s vision of the classic Disney World attraction.) Speaking with Collider, del Toro revealed that he just turned in another draft, and now he’s playing the waiting game. Again…

“I delivered my last draft five weeks ago. I have a meeting with them in three weeks. I know they like the screenplay. I need to meet with them in three weeks. That’s what I know. I know their reaction to the draft was good. We have a bunch of conceptualist art, but you never know, to predict anything else is hard for me to know. I should have called them and said, “Hey.” Usually, it’s very hard for me to predict what a thing like that means.”

Del Toro continued to say that he’s still interested in the project, and may even end up directing it.

“Yeah, I still would love to make that movie. I came on board originally as a writer and producer, the decision I think they may be waiting, is for me to say I’m directing the movie. Or am I directing it next, which is too early for me to know what I’m doing next in live-action. I’m in the middle of Pacific Rim and I don’t know what I’m going to do next.”

As producer, del Toro has PINOCCHIO, MAMA and ALMA on his plate, plus this fall’s Dreamworks Animation film, RISE OF THE GUARDIANS, on his plate.

Published by
Eric Walkuski