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Who Is A Skrull In Secret Invasion?

M​arvel is bringing Secret Invasion to your streaming device, and we’re about to see what the Skrulls have been up to since we discovered that Nick Fury had been a shapeshifter at the end of Spider-Man: Far From Home. Since then, it seems like a lot may have been going on. Skrulls have found their way into positions of power in the MCU and are ready to reveal themselves for a global takeover.

This series could reveal to all of us that some of our favorite characters have been Skrulls this whole time. How would the other MCU characters react when they discovered that some of their closest allies were Skrulls? It could be chaos. Of course, that was their plan the whole time.

W​hat Is Secret Invasion?

I​n the comics, Secret Invasion was a company-wide crossover that saw the reveal that Skrulls had been living among Earth’s heroes, just waiting for the time to strike. During the mini-series run, we learn that the heroes Elektra, Hank Pym, Black Bolt, the previous Captain Marvel (not Carol Danvers), Tony Stark’s trusty butler Jarvis, and Spider-Woman were secretly Skrulls.

S​pider-Woman was the biggest surprise as she had become a fan-favorite character and was a high-level Avenger at the time. The shockwave was felt throughout the comics as character’s motivations were suddenly under a microscope by the other heroes. Some characters were accused of being a Skrull and were found not to be. This created a huge division among everyone.

H​ow does this work in the MCU? We’ve seen Marvel Studios take well-known comic stories and try to mold them into stories for their cinematic world. To do so, they have to tweak some of the story elements to fit within a certain story structure and, more importantly, a budget. The Disney+ series doesn’t seem like it will be as sprawling as the comics event, but it could have some lasting effects. So who could we find out is a Skrull in the MCU? Let’s run down the suspects.

M​aria Hill

T​his one is fairly easy, as we’ve already seen her character being portrayed by a Skrull. She was a Skrull at the end of Spider-Man: Far From Home. Now the question that needs to be answered is, has she always been a Skrull? There is a possibility that Fury’s right-hand woman has been a Skrull in disguise this whole time.

We saw in Captain Marvel that Fury got to know many of the Skrulls that came to live on Earth and work with S.H.I.E.L.D. He could have placed her right by his side this whole time because who would make a better spy than a shapeshifter? We could also find out the real Maria Hill was in space with him the last few years and just needed a decoy to cover for her.

V​erdict: Skrull

J​ames Rhodes

H​e was one of Tony Stark’s most trusted allies, but could he have been a Skrull in disguise the whole time? He was seriously injured in Civil War and has been locked into using his War Machine suit almost as a medical device since. He can be seen wearing some back and leg braces when out of the suit. If a Skrull had been in the same situation, they might have been able to shape-shift around the injury to avoid being locked into such a restriction. Then again, faking an injury might be the best way to avoid suspicion.

The biggest argument against Rhodey being a Skrull is that he will soon lead his own Marvel film. Armor Wars will show him going around and trying to round up stolen Stark tech that had fallen into the wrong hands. It doesn’t seem like Marvel would reveal that the lead of that show had secretly been an alien but stranger things have happened.

V​erdict: Human

P​resident Ritson

D​ermot Mulroney has signed onto the show and seems to be playing the President of the United States. Could the leader of the country have been a Skrull? They do like to get into positions of power, and none is higher than the President. Well, most of the time.

The President being a Skrull could be what brings their presence to the forefront of the MCU, but that also seems a little on the nose. It could be the most obvious choice, which is what then makes it the most logical reason not to make it him. It seems too easy for the moment, so we’ll say no.

V​erdict: Human

Sonya Falsworth

O​livia Colman has joined the series as a British MI:6 agent that is friends with Nick Fury. She’ll be working with him to figure out what exactly is happening during Secret Invasion. Which makes her, the perfect person to be revealed to be a Skrull. When new characters show up, it’s easy to assume that we’ll find out they have been evil this whole time.

O​ne big tip is that she doesn’t have a comics counterpart. She was made specifically for the show. While she shares a last name with one of Captain America’s Howling Commandos from his original movie, that could be part of the cover story that the Skrull has used to get as far as they could in British Intelligence. If Fury has learned anything, it would be never to trust those closest to you.

V​erdict: Skrull

E​verett Ross

W​e’ve seen Ross running around the MCU from Civil War to Wakanda Forever. He’s always been involved with keeping an eye on the world’s superheroes. Maybe part of that was a perfect cover to keep his Skrull identity a secret.

W​hat doesn’t work with that scenario is that he constantly seems t turn his back on his duties as an agent in the Joint Counter Terrorism Centre and to help the heroes when he can. Just because he is revealed to be a Skrull doesn’t mean he has to be evil, but it wouldn’t make much sense for him to be in place as a Skrull in Secret Invasion.

V​erdict: Human

Valentina Allegra de Fontaine

E​verett Ross’ ex-wife isn’t slated to be in Secret Invasion, but that doesn’t stop her from showing up anywhere else either. She has been putting together a super team of her own for unknown reasons. It could be that the Skrulls want their own superheroes when their invasion of Earth begins.

Since we haven’t been made aware of her full intentions yet in the MCU, it’s hard to judge if her actions are very Skrully. Even if we do find out she is a Skrull, it doesn’t mean she has to be outed. We’ll see her team of the Thunderbolts in their own film. She could easily walk away from Secret Invasion with her identity intact.

V​erdict: 50/50

S​haron Carter

L​et’s be real. If there is any character that has had a sudden shift in their personality from one film to another, it has to be Sharon Carter. She first appeared in Winter Soldier and helped bring Hydra down from within S.H.I.E.L.D. Then she goes off the grid. When we see her in Falcon And The Winter Soldier, she is suddenly working in the shadows. At the very end, it’s revealed that she is The Power Broker.

J​ust because your point of view has changed, that doesn’t mean you have to be a Skrull. Although it makes one suspicious, such a drastic change in allegiance is evidence enough. It’s not known when we’ll see Sharon Carter again. It could be a fun reveal at some point in this six-episode run. Of anyone, her character would have earned such a reveal.

V​erdict: Skrull

Who do you think will be revealed to be a Skrull in Secret Invasion? Let us know in the comments.

Published by
Bryan Wolford