Categories: Movie News

Why the Avengers: Endgame team-suits and Captain Marvel’s uniform was CG

As expected, AVENGERS: ENDGAME was an extremely visual-effects heavy film, but in addition to bringing various characters and locations to life, the visual effects team also had to step in when the costume department ran out of time to fabricate some of the costumes. The biggest example of this was the white time-suits which many of the Avengers wore, and Visual Effects Producer Jen Underdahl explained to Wired in the above video that they were completely CG.

The time suits are a combination of Ant-Man, Tony Stark, and Guardians tech. That took quite a while for us to land on. By the time we got a final version, we were already in Principal Photography. We knew we were going to build them anyway, since they had to "nano" on and off with Tony's tech, and it ended up being that the costume department didn't have time to develop, fit, and fabricate all the costumes for those hero characters, so we ended up doing them digitally.

Another costume which got a digital makeover was Brie Larson's Captain Marvel suit. As the final version of the suit wasn't ready in time, Larson wore her regular Captain Marvel costume before the VFX team stepped in to replace it during post-production. "Her suit, every time you see it in the movie, when she's in her full costume, is digital. Again, the designs for those suits were not ready in time for us to photograph Brie," Underdahl explained. "When you saw her at the beginning, as she's rescuing Tony Stark, when you see her come back, when she's talking to Nat in the Avengers compound, with Rocket and Nebula, and then in the final battle when she comes back and kind of saves the day, that's all the digital suit."

AVENGERS: ENDGAME is now available on Digital as well as DVD/Blu-ray/4K Ultra HD.

Published by
Kevin Fraser