Categories: Movie News

Will Smith out of Independence Day sequel

As of this moment, Will Smith will not be welcoming anyone to Earth.

The actor is said to be out of INDEPENDENCE DAY 2. Okay, he might be out of the sequel.

While having Smith would be a great draw, his involvement isn’t necessary for the sequel to move onwards. Emmerich and co-writer/producer Dean Devlin handed over a rough draft of the script to THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN scribe James Vanderbilt. I guess they knew that Smith might bail out so Vanderbilt wrote two scripts– one with Captain Steven Hiller (Smith) as the focus, and the other without the character.

Here’s where the “might be out” part of the story comes from: It seems that Smith has told the studio that he won’t be taking part but the actor still hasn’t had a final discussion with Emmerich. Apparently Smith has been back and forth with the idea of reprising his role.

Hey, guess what, Will Smith? I have both Bill Pullman and Jeff Goldblum. So while it would be cool if you would join the party, we won’t be upset if you don’t stop by.

Published by
Niki Stephens