Categories: Movie News

Will these Bebop, Rocksteady & Krang designs be used for the TMNT sequel?

UPDATE: The studio requested that we remove the concept art for said TMNT villains, so I’ve included some art of Shredder and the fate of everyone’s favorite turtles.  Everything else from article remains unedited.  Thank you for your understanding!

It may have seemed a little premature to announce a sequel to TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES after one weekend, but the flick went on to gross over $350 million worldwide. Not exactly Marvel numbers, but enough to fast track a sequel our way in less than two years. Jonathan Liebesman returning as director is not quite a done deal at this point, but he has expressed interesting into taking the turtles into Dimension X, which would undoubtedly pave the way for the villain Krang. Bebop and Rocksteady have also been in discussions about what villains may show up in the future and what we have here is some concept art that may or may not feature heavily in the sequel.

Take a look:

While I suppose it can be pretty hard to muck up Bebop and Rocksteady, these concept art designs are spot on! Krang is the real piece here that differentiates the most but there’s no telling what changes might come into play between now and the sequel (if he even makes an appearance). I don’t know many who were necessarily happy with the first Turtles outing, so here’s hoping they take those criticisms into consideration and craft something truly fun the next go around.

TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES 2 is currently scheduled for a June 3, 2016 release.

Was there anything in the Bay-produced flick as scary as this?  I think not.

Published by
Sean Wist