Categories: Movie News

Wonder Woman lassos up some tremendous early reactions

As of last night the social media embargo on WONDER WOMAN was lifted, and critics and journalists who got to see the film early have been letting their reactions fly. Anyone nervous about if the DCEU would deliver another murky blockbuster doomed for a critical lashing can rejoice in the fact that the response is unanimous: Wonder Woman has gotten the movie she deserved. The reactions as overwhelmingly positive, with a ton of praise going to Gal Gadot, her relationship with Chris Pine, and director Patty Jenkins’ clear vision.  Take a look at some select reactions below! Let DC have their moment, Marvel.

What we can take from the reactions is that we can expect a fun, emotional, empowering blockbuster with a style reminiscent of CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE FIRST AVENGER, but with a badass woman throwing around a shield. The last two installments in the DCEU, BATMAN V. SUPERMAN and SUICIDE SQUAD were met with unfavorable reactions from critics and a large chunk of audiences, but WOMAN appears to have restored much of that faith in the slate of films with an appropriately wondrous origin story. I think it's with these movies where the DCEU can find success, just as Marvel has, as opposed to giant team-up movies. Fans who now can't wait any longer for June 2 need not fret for the movie is having fan screenings across the conutry on Wednesday, and you can see if your city is hosting such an awesome event here!

For all you other unlucky folk, prepare to experience the wonderful WONDER WOMAN on June 2.

Published by
Matt Rooney