Categories: Horror Movie Trailers

Wrap your slimy tentacles around the Dead Shadows teaser trailer

Remember last week when Eric showed y’all the poster for the upcoming French film DEAD SHADOWS? Now we have the teaser trailer for you to watch below. It features a better look at the slimy tentacles you saw in the poster, and then some!

The film directed and produced by David Cholewa. it stars Fabian Wolfrom, Gwendolyn Gourvenec, Laurie Cholewa (below) and John Fallon – better known and loved as AITH main man The Arrow! Here’s the synopsis:

DEAD SHADOWS tells the terrifying story about a young man, Chris, whose parents were brutally killed 11 years ago, on the same day that Haley’s comet could be seen from earth. Tonight, a new comet is going to appear and everyone in his building are getting ready for a party to celebrate the event. There’s even an apocalypse theory going around. As the night falls, Chris starts to discover that people are acting strange – and it seems to somehow be connected to the comet. People are becoming disoriented and violent and it doesn’t take long before they start mutating into something from beyond this world. In a fight for survival, Chris has to try to escape from his building with the help from some other tenants – but will they make it out alive?

The picture began shooting in last month. The plan is wrap production in July, complete the film by the end of the year, and then release it in French theaters in 2012. Distribution company DC Medias will present be presenting the film with this snazzy new teaser at Cannes this week.

Published by
Alex DiVincenzo