Categories: Movie News

Yes on Werewolf Women?

Truth be told, I haven’t seen GRINDHOUSE or either of the films it consisted of. And I haven’t even seen all the fake trailers made for the intermission between the two films. But even still, the buzz around the fake trailers suggests they were better than the actual features. So what does this mean? Well full length films of course! Robert Rodriguez has already expressed interest on making the Danny Trejo starring MACHETE. I remember hearing MACHETE was already half finished. Then we have Eli Roth torturing us with constant hints that he might make THANKSGIVING into a full feature. Then the rumors that THANKSGIVING and Edgar Wright’s DON’T would make up GRINDHOUSE 2. So that covers all the fake trailers except one… the one we’ve heard no rumbilings on whatsoever… until now.

Of course I’m talking about Rob Zombie’s WEREWOLF WOMEN OF THE SS. Well Mr. Zombie has decided to mess with our heads today by posting a simple one sentence question on his MySpace blog. Titled “A Werewolf Women question” Zombie asks: “How many of you would like to see a full length movie of WEREWOLF WOMEN OF THE SS?”

Simple as that. Intriguing. Well that question has been met with wave after wave of positive feedback. After watching the trailer, I’d be down for a WEREWOLF WOMEN flick, it just seems fun. Granted I’d rather see THANKSGIVING or DON’T before WEREWOLF WOMEN. You can check out the WEREWOLF WOMEN OF THE SS trailer below. So what’s your answer to Rob Zombie’s question?

The gorgeous Sheri Moon Zombie… Rob Zombie is a lucky man

Published by
Jared Pacheco