Categories: Movie News

Yet another Green Lantern poster, this time for Abin Sur

Abin Sur is sur (pun intended) to not be in GREEN LANTERN for much time at all. As you’ve seen in the trailer, it’s his escape from Oa and crash-landing on Earth that allows Hal Jordan to inherit the ring and the lantern and become one of the Corps. But Abin Sur is an important part of the LANTERN mythology and, as such, he’s got himself a fancy little character poster.

So far we’ve seen posters for Hal Jordan, Sinestro, Kilowog, Tomar-Re and Hector Hammond. Will we get a Carol Ferris poster? Or a Parallax poster for that matter? Don’t know but I do know we’re getting one final GREEN LANTERN trailer this week before the film hits theaters next month.

Published by
Mike Sampson