Categories: Movie News

Young Sheldon looks worse than The Big Bang Theory

Look, I know there are fans of THE BIG BANG THEORY, and that’s fine – it’s one of the most popular shows on the air right now, so that makes sense – but regardless, despite my own misgivings of TBBT, I think we can all agree YOUNG SHELDON looks worse. Much worse. I mean, this might be one of the worst ideas for a TV show ever, up there with MY MOTHER THE CAR, COP ROCK, and THE BRADYS, that shitty gritty BRADY BUNCH reboot from the ’90s.

Thing is, upfront, while Sheldon is a main character on THE BIG BAND THEORY, he is not the main character. Due to his obnoxiousness and extreme nature, he isn’t the emotional center of the show for a reason. So, not only will YOUNG SHELDON focus on an annoying, know-it-all asshole, but also a fucking precocious kid on top of that. That’s like, a double-whammy. In fact, it’s so bad, it might even be whammy-squared…*pause for applause, then kills myself*.

Now, while the teaser above isn’t helping matters – and seems to reaffirm my worst fears about this project – what do you Schmoes think? You a fan of BIG BANG THEORY? And if so, what do you make of YOUNG SHELDON?

Published by
Damion Damaske