Categories: Horror Movie News

Youngster Matt Shively is the first to sign on for the highly anticipated Paranormal Activity 4

Alright… so PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 4 isn’t as ‘highly anticipated’ as I let on. But work with me here!

Now we already know that PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 4 will be dropping October 19th from scribe Zack Estrin and directors Ariel Schulman and Henry Joost. But that’s about all we knew, until today! Less than four months from release and we’re just now getting the flick’s first casting update?? Something just doesn’t seem right there…

Regardless, according to the guys over at Bloody-Disgusting 21-year old Matt Shively is the first name to sign on for PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 4. Actually the young actor (right) is only ‘in talks’ right now but we know how that goes. If he was to sign on, which he most likely will, he’ll play the role of ‘Alex.’

And that’s all we’ve got! Hell we don’t even known if Katie Featherston (below) will return for this fourth go-around. Considering PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 4’s release is just a few months away I’d go ahead and assume we’ll be getting a lot more updates on this one soon.

Published by
Jared Pacheco