Categories: Movie News

Zane vs. zombies

What do you get when you cross Billy Zane with tainted meat? You get THE MAD, a new indie zombie flick starring Zane, Maggie Castle, Shauna MacDonald, Evan Charles Flock, Jordan Madley, Rothaford Gray, Matthew Deslippe and Ian McPhail. Directed by Johnny Kalangis, the flick takes a new spin on mad cow disease (well, not really, since mad cow disease doesn’t turn people into zombies). Premiering at the Canadian Filmmakers Festival this month, the flick has already set up shop at MySpace with a tasty little trailer you can hit up here.

In case you haven’t already looked up the profile on IMDB, the flick centres on a doctor and his teenage daughter being terrorized by flesh-eating zombies at a truck stop after said zombies injested said tainted meat. Proof that fast food can not only kill you, it can make you kill others!

Published by
Pat Torfe