Categories: Horror Movie News

Adam Wingard almost directed both Blumhouse’s new Halloween & Fear Street

Director Adam Wingard's DEATH NOTE just hit Netflix today (read our review HERE) and thus, he has been making the rounds promoting it. This past Monday Wingard stopped by Adam Green and Joe Lynch's podcast The Movie Crypt and dropped some cool info.

Turns out that Wingard was very close to getting the Blumhouse HALLOWEEN sequel. 

Below are quotes from Wingard on not only about being considered for the reboot, but about what he thinks of McBride and Green's version and getting the thumbs up from Carpenter himself.

Adam Wingard on HALLOWEEN:

You know, I almost actually did the Halloween movie that they're doing. It almost happened, but the deal just kinda fell apart.

When I found out those rights were available I was immediately trying to figure out how to get in on that. But ultimately what I realized was I kinda already made my Halloween movie with The Guest. So it felt like it would be retreading on that kind of thing.

In a way, I still want to do a Halloween movie.

On McBride and Green's HALLOWEEN:

It sounds like they've got a good situation. I think the idea that they have, the proper sequel to part 2, is what they're doing, right? That sounds cool. When I heard that I was like, you know what, we wouldn't have come up with that, and I think that's the right thing to do right now.

On John Carpenter:

I actually got an email, in confidence, where Carpenter was basically… He actually gave them the thumbs up for me. And I kinda walked away from it like, I just got everything I wanted out of this job, you know. Like I just want approval from dad. And I walked away like, 'This is about as good as it gets.'

Wingard then went on to talk about DEATH NOTE and its turbulent journey to the screen and let slip that in between the film being dropped by Warner Bros. and being picked up by Netflix, he worked on something cool as hell. 

Wingard on FEAR STREET:

I ended up running a writer's room with Kyle Killian for this thing called Fear Street, and I was able to do that in the meantime. And they're still developing that over at Fox.

Adam Wingard directing R.L. Stine's upcoming FEAR STREET movie(s)? Sign me up! 

Damn, I have to say that seeing Wingard do either HALLOWEEN or FEAR STREET would have much cooler than seeing him tackle DEATH NOTE. But that's just me. I'm a nerd for those two properties.

What do you think of an Adam Wingard-directed HALLOWEEN and/or FEAR STREET movie? Let us know by hitting us up in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram!

DEATH NOTE is now streaming on Netflix.

A proper sequel to Part II, you say…

Published by
Mike Sprague