Categories: Horror Movie News

Art and details revealed for Vestron’s Waxwork double feature Blu-ray

It's an exciting time to be a horror Blu-ray collector, as Lionsgate recently announced that they are reviving the Vestron home video brand for the Vestron Video Collector's Series, through which they'll be releasing limited edition Blu-rays of cult classic genre films. Every title will be transferred from the original film elements to high-definition, and the discs will be packed with special features.

The first two Vestron releases are CHOPPING MALL and BLOOD DINER, both of which have a street date of September 27th. We have learned that the next three releases in the series will be RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD III (confirmed to be the unrated cut!), C.H.U.D. II: BUD THE CHUD, and a double feature of the Anthony Hickox films WAXWORK and WAXWORK II: LOST IN TIME.

Further details on the WAXWORK Blu-ray reveals that those next three releases are closer than we expected. Each Vestron Video Collector's Series has a number on the spine – CHOPPING MALL is #1, BLOOD DINER #2. As the cover art below shows, the WAXWORK / WAXWORK II double feature is #5. It has a street date of October 18th, so we'll be getting all of these movies in a span of three weeks.

In addition to the unveiling of the cover art, the list of special features has also been announced.

WAXWORK tells the following story: 

Inside the wax museum a group of teenagers are aghast at the hauntingly lifelike wax displays of Dracula, the Wolfman, the Mummy, and other character members of the Horror Hall of Fame. Each display is perfectly grotesque, yet each is missing one thing . . . a victim! Admission to the WAXWORK was free but now they may pay with their lives! One by one, the students are drawn into the settings as objects of the blood thirsty creatures. They are now part of the permanent collection.

WAXWORK II: LOST IN TIME continues that story:

Having escaped the fiery destruction of the original Waxwork, Marl (Zach Galligan, Gremlins) and Sarah (Monika Schnarre, TV’s “Beverly Hills, 90210”) face another grueling ordeal in WAXWORK II, when Sarah is accused of murdering her stepfather. Fleeing through the doors of time in a desperate search for proof of her innocence, the two lovers find themselves caught in the eternally recurring battle between good and evil. Together they must stop one of the most powerful and demonic figures of all time — Lord Scarabus.

The special features that have been assembled for this release:


– Audio Commentary with Anthony Hickox & Zach Galligan

– Featurettes:

– “The Waxwork Chronicles” (Parts 1–6)

– Vintage “Making of” Featurette

– Theatrical Trailer

– Still Gallery


– Audio Commentary with Anthony Hickox & Zach Galligan

– Theatrical Trailer

– Still Gallery

There are R-rated and unrated cuts of WAXWORK out there, and it's the unrated cut that has been put on this Blu-ray.

The Vestron Video Collector's Series is continuing to impress with what sounds like a solid release for a fun pair of films. We'll keep you updated as more information on Vestron Blus becomes available.

Published by
Cody Hamman