Categories: Movie News

Ben Affleck confirms Batman directing duties; says they’re “working on it”

Of all the movies in the DCEU, Ben Affleck’s solo Batman movie has been met with the most scrutiny as of late. There have been quotes from Affleck that seem like he’s not so sure about his directorial duties, while other news has dropped around its release. It seems like this is the movie that fans are most curious about, especially regarding if Affleck does direct. Though there will always be a lot of mysteries surrounding the movie, Affleck recently confirmed full stop that one thing is an absolute.

Affleck went on Jimmy Kimmel last night to promote his new movie, LIVE BY NIGHT, and during the interview Kimmel brought out the most recent image from JUSTICE LEAGUE, all before flat out asking him if he was going to direct the next Batman movie (watch the video clip below, too):

I'm going to direct the next Batman, we're working on it…[inaudible]. It's one of those things that's really frustrating, because like, with Live By Night it took me a year and a half to write it and get it ready and I worked really hard and-it's just nobody gave a shit. No one was like, 'Where's Live By Night!?' But with Batman, I keep on getting, 'Where's the f@cking Batman?!" and I'm like, 'Bro, I'm workin', give me a second!’

Within the last day some folks have lost their marbles over a rumor that's been swirling that the release date for the movie have been pushed back even further, but those rumors have so far not been proven. As far as his directing duties go, I’d say this puts any rumors or curiosities to bed. He will be directing the movie, and you heard it from the horse’s mouth. As for writing the script it seems like that’s probably coming along, but obviously Affleck didn’t speak much to that. But the words “we’re working on it” are important in that it reminds people they’re still working on it, so give the man some f@cking room to work.

Affleck recently sat down with IGN where he said “there’s great stuff in it now” and that it needs to get “better and better.” But, as the star noted, this has been a busy year for him already. He had to do press for BVS, go into shooting JUSTICE LEAGUE, went to do press for THE ACCOUNTANT, then press for LIVE BY NIGHT. So, of course, writing a whole Batman movie in there would mean Affleck is not Batman, but clearly a real-life Superman with added demonic powers.

As of right the now the most concrete news is that Ben Affleck’s Batman movie is being directed by Ben Affleck, they’re working on the script, and that it could probably come out in 2019. Until anyone who’s involved comes out and says anything otherwise, that’s the news. But for fans the big issue seems to be "when", "when" and "when". However, the thing fans should be pumped for is that it’s coming, and Ben and his team are doing everything they can to get it right. Hell, if that takes till 2020 or beyond so be it. As long as we have a great Batman movie, who cares how long it takes? We forget this is the man who won an Oscar for co-writing GOOD WILL HUNTING, and directed GONE BABY GONE, THE TOWN and the Oscar-winning ARGO. Clearly he has a magic/voodoo we should give him room to work.

Ben Affleck will direct the solo Batman movie and it's set for whenever the hell it's ready.

Published by
Matt Rooney