Categories: Movie News

Bill & Ted 3 socials tease that something most excellent is coming tomorrow!

While it's difficult to maintain a positive outlook on life in light of recent world events, I'm happy to report that tomorrow has been declared Bill & Ted day, and that something most excellent is coming as a part of the celebration.

Early Monday afternoon, the official Twitter account for BILL & TED FACE THE MUSIC tweeted that "strange things are afoot," which I can only imagine means that tomorrow we'll be getting our first real look at the Wyld Stallyns reunited and in action!

Previously, Bill S. Preston Esquire himself, Alex Winter, also baited fans of all things bodacious that something special is poised to arrive as early as tomorow morning:

Here's a synopsis for BILL & TED FACE THE MUSIC:

When we last met Bill and Ted they were time-traveling teenagers trying to pass history class and win the battle of the bands. Once prophesized to save the universe with their rock and roll, middle age and the responsibilities of family have caught up with these two best friends who have not yet fulfilled their destiny. They’ve written thousands of tunes, but they have yet to write a good one, much less the greatest song ever written. With the fabric of time and space tearing around them, a visitor from the future warns our heroes that only their song can save life as we know it. Out of luck and fresh out of inspiration, Bill and Ted set out on a time travel adventure to seek the song that will set their world right and bring harmony in the universe as we know it. Together with the aid of their daughters, a new crop of historical figures, and some sympathetic music legends, Bill and Ted find much, much more than just a song.

Dean Parisot (RED 2, GALAXY QUEST) is directing BILL & TED FACE THE MUSIC from a screenplay by original Bill & Ted writers Ed Solomon and Chris Matheson. In addition to Winter and Keanu Reeves reprising their roles, Samara Weaving will star as Thea Preston, while Brigette Lundy-Paine will play Billie Logan. Meanwhile, William Sadler will reprise his role as Death for the new film, alongside Jayma Mays as Princess Joanna; Erinn Hayes as Princess Elizabeth; Amy Stoch as Missy; Kristen Schall as Kelly; Beck Bennett as Deacon Logan; Hal Landon Jr. as Captain Logan; and Holland Taylor as The Great Leader. Last but certainly not least, muscian-actor Kid Cudi also stars in the latest triumphant trek through time and space.

I don't know about you, but I could certainly use some of that Wyld Stallyns energy right about now. Thankfully, it sounds as if tomorrow will give us all a reason to bust out our air guitars and rip a sweet solo in honor of Bill and Ted's much-anticipated return. I suppose there's nothing left to say except … Station!

BILL & TED FACE THE MUSIC is expected to dial into theaters on August 21, 2020, though given the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, I wouldn't be surprised if the film gets delayed or moves to a PVOD format. Either way, I am ready to raise my horns for a lighthouse in the fog during these dark times. Let's do this!

Published by
Steve Seigh