Categories: Movie News

Black Adam vs. Superman: Dwayne Johnson says the clash between the two titans is not the next step

Since Henry Cavill let the Streaky out of the bag by confirming his DCEU return as Superman, it’s time to speculate wildly about the Man of Steel’s future. If you saw Black Adam, you’ll know that Cavill’s Supes visited Johnson’s Black Adam during the film’s mid-credits sequence. In the scene, Superman warns Black Adam, saying that if the anti-hero steps out of line, Superman will have to teach him a lesson. Black Adam accepts the challenge by telling Superman he has no intention of changing his questionable ways. Both characters smolder for a brief moment before the credits resume. Obviously, we’re heading toward a Black Adam vs. Superman clash of the titans, but Dwayne Johnson says it could take a while to get there.

Speaking with Brandon Davis, Dwayne Johnson confirmed that DC has significant plans for Henry Cavill’s Superman, though a fight with Black Adam is “definitely not the next step.” Johnson claims that DC is finally in a good place, and there’s an elaborate plan for new and old characters. Johnson is at the forefront of bringing the DCEU in a bold new direction but doesn’t want to rush the delivery of in-demand storylines. If DC is going to compete with Marvel, they need to be patient and rebuild the universe using the existing pieces that do work.

Johnson also says the Black Adam vs. Superman plotline is more extensive than “one fight, one film.” Producer Hiram Garcia weighed in on the subject, saying, “Hopefully, they’re going to clash at some point, but it’s not just about a ‘one fight’ situation,” he said. “That was never our dream. That does not reward the fans. Fans want to feel a journey between these guys knowing that these guys exist in the same universe.”

Black Adam continues to make money at the box office, making the superhero extravaganza Johnson’s most lucrative solo outing. The film punched its way to $142M+ since Thursday’s preview screenings and still has a ways to go. I hope Black Adam acts as a springboard for success for DC because I genuinely want the brand to get its act together, and Johnson’s enthusiasm for the future is infectious. Bring on the good stuff, I say!

Published by
Steve Seigh