Categories: TV News

Chris Rock says his Fargo character is the best part he’s ever done

The past three seasons of Noah Hawley's Fargo anthology series has seen a wide variety of actors playing some rather memorable roles, and the upcoming fourth season is no exception, but one actor has been particularly impressed with his character. Chris Rock leads the fourth season of Fargo as Loy Cannon, the head of the African American crime family who trades sons with the head of the Italian mafia as part of tenuous truce.

Chris Rock recently spoke with Entertainment Weekly about his character, which is isn't shy about calling the best part he's ever done.

This is the best part I’ve ever done and, honestly, probably the best part I’ll ever have. That’s how it works. Morgan Freeman is in The Shawshank Redemption. He’s amazing. He’s made a kazillion dollars since then. He never got a part that good again. When you get these great parts you have to make the most of them. Naive people will tell you, ‘There’s always tomorrow and you’ll always get another chance.” The smart people will tell you, ‘You probably get three chances at anything in life, and you’ll probably be busy for the first two chances. When you get that third one you better be f—ing ready."

Rock also expanded on what sort of man Loy Cannon is, comparing the character to another famous fictional crime figure. "He’s a businessman," Rock said. "He’s a deacon at his church, he’s a loving father and husband, he owns a bank, and he’s also a criminal — he fixes fights and runs numbers and prostitution. He’s always on edge. It’s Tony Soprano-esque." The actor also touched upon what makes this season of Fargo unique. "It’s the biggest Fargo," Rock revealed. "The scale is tremendous. Fargo normally tells little stories that get out of hand. They’re about ordinary people, something happens, and then we get to see how evil ordinary people can be. This is quite different. We start off gangsters, so we’re beginning with bad people, and then it escalates."

The fourth season of Fargo will debut on FX on April 19, 2020.

Published by
Kevin Fraser