Categories: Horror Movie News

Cool Horror Gear: NECA’s 8-Bit Robocop action figure!

Who would have thought NECA could top their very own 8-bit action figures of both Jason Voorhees and Freddy Krueger? Seriously, those guys were cool as hell, but their third figure in the highly successful line of classic 8-bit video game tributes tops them all—ROBOCOP! The figure is based off of the NES video game that released at the very end of 1989 and it's a gorgeous bastard. Read on for details.
NECA’s Robocop (1989 Video Game Appearance) will be a fully articulated 7-inch figure with spring-loaded holster and Auto-9 Pistol. Robocop is painted in the blue-ish purple video game deco with a hint of cel shading. This figure comes in a special window box packaging with opening flap to re-create the look and feel of the classic 1989 video game packaging.

Video Game Robocop is tentatively scheduled for release in February 2014, and the figure is limited to one production run only. When they’re gone, they’re gone! You can head over to NECA's website for more info. Now take a look!

Published by
Ryan Miller