Categories: TV Reviews

Cool Videos: Robert Downey Jr delivers a real bionic arm to a disabled fan

Just the other day, we brought you the continuing payout of Chris Evans and Chris Pratt's Super Bowl bet that resulted in a bunch of children getting to meet their superhero idols. Now, another Avenger has joined the mix.

Robert Downey Jr, better known as Tony Stark and Iron Man, took part in a video for The Collective Project. The program is called Limbitless and is headed by Albert Manero. Manero 3D prints bionic limbs at no cost for people around the world. Downey decided to get involved and dressed up as Stark to deliver one arm to a lucky young fan.

It is incredibly heart-warming to see things like this. All that Downey Jr did here was spend some of his time playing a role that has redefined his career, just to bring a smile to young fan's face as he gets a new limb. There is no way that this moment will not remain with either the kid or RDJ for a long time to come. Check out the video below and enjoy.

AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON opens on May 1st. To learn more about The Collective Project, click here.

Published by
Alex Maidy