Categories: Horror Movie News

Daniel Zovatto takes the lead in Penny Dreadful: City of Angels

Although there were times when I would find John Logan's Showtime series Penny Dreadful to be frustratingly slow and anti-climactic, overall I thought the show was interesting. I loved the style and atmosphere, and was amazed by the performance Eva Green delivered. That Penny Dreadful is over, but the title will live on with the "spiritual descendant" Penny Dreadful: City of Angels.

Again crafted by Logan, this chapter in the Penny Dreadful franchise will focus on new characters and storylines. It begins 

in 1938 Los Angeles, a time and place deeply infused with Mexican-American folklore and social tension. Rooted in the conflict between characters connected to the deity Santa Muerte and others allied with the Devil, Penny Dreadful: City of Angels will explore an exciting mix of the supernatural and the combustible reality of that period, creating new occult myths and moral dilemmas within a genuine historical backdrop.

City of Angels has just found its first cast member, as Daniel Zovatto has signed on to play the lead role of Tiago, the LAPD's "first Mexican-American detective". As the show plays out, Tiago will deal with "racism, childhood trauma, and faith issues".

Zovatto is already a genre veteran, with his horror credits including IT FOLLOWS, DON'T BREATHE, and Fear the Walking Dead.

Logan is executive producing Penny Dreadful: City of Angels with Michael Aguilar, Sam Mendes, and Pippa Harris. James Bagley is co-executive producer.

Published by
Cody Hamman