Categories: Movie News

Deadpool casting call reveals new details on supporting characters

A casting call for Tim Miller‘s DEADPOOL (working title “WHAM!” which is reportedly a reference to a scene in the film) has been posted over at Casting24/7, with descriptions for seven different characters. The only problem is the characters have been given code names. Curses! I’m not that familiar with the solo Deadpool comics, so I’m going to need a little help figuring out which Marvel characters could appear in the upcoming movie based on this casting call.

[RIDGE] Any ethnicity, early 30s to early 50s. Big, muscular, dangerous, violent, vain, insecure and more than a bit of a dick…. but with a sense of humor. He is not a psychopath, he’s practical but morally neutral—he doesn’t enjoy torturing people, he just doesn’t care. ROLE REQUIRES THREE SEQUEL OPTIONS.

[LINDSAY] Any ethnicity, 20s, attractive and worldly. Smart, tough, beautiful but a little bit broken. Nothing has ever been easy for her and she’s developed a thick skin and cynical outlook. But she’s not a victim—she may not have a great life but she’s holding it together and does what she needs to get by. She’s got a great sense of humor but it leans heavily towards irony and sarcasm. ROLE REQUIRES THREE SEQUEL OPTIONS.

[SIMON] Any ethnicity, late 20s to early 40s. Quirky, great sense of humor. Smart, funny, but more than a little bit slippery. Fast talker, always looking to make a buck. He looks out for himself first and foremost, but reveals loyalty at the end of the day. ROLE REQUIRES THREE SEQUEL OPTIONS.

[SHIRLIE] African American, late 60s to early 80s. Worldly, great sense of comedic timing, sarcastic, dry, funny. ROLE REQUIRES THREE SERIES OPTIONS.

[KATHY] Any ethnicity, early to mid teens. World weary, great sense of comedic timing, sarcastic, droll sense of humor. ROLE REQUIRES THREE SERIES OPTIONS.

[KEREN] Any ethnicity, early 20s to late 30s. Serious, big, tough. ROLE REQUIRES THREE SERIES OPTIONS

[ALBERT] Any ethnicity, early 30s to early 50s. Big, muscular, dangerous. ROLE REQUIRES THREE SERIES OPTIONS

Depending on how old the casting call is, “Karen” might be Angel Dust, which last week we learned will be played by HAYWIRE star Gina Carano. Last month it was reported that T.J. Miller and Ed Skrein are both up for roles in the movie, and in a tweet about the casting call, The Wrap’s Jeff Sneider says he’s heard T.J. Miller and Ed Skrein are playing “Simon” and “Ridge” in DEADPOOL, whoever those characters may actually be…” Some have speculated “Simon” may be Deadpool’s sidekick Weasel, while “Ridge” could be Ajax, one of the merc’s main antagonists. What are your thoughts on the DEADPOOL casting call?

DEADPOOL is set to open on February 12, 2016.

Published by
Jesse Giroux