Categories: Horror Movie News

Joe Bob Briggs graces the cover of the new issue of Fangoria

Fangoria came back in a major way in the second half of 2018. Now under the guidance of new owners Cinestate, a Texas-based entertainment company, the magazine that was a major source of information for horror fans back in the day is set to be released on a quarterly basis, and the issue that was published last October was a great one, featuring articles on (among others) the new HALLOWEEN sequel, the SUSPIRIA remake, PUPPET MASTER: THE LITTLEST REICH, and – this is what I found most interesting – sequels to THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE that never made it into production.

Another genre legend who had a major comeback in the second half of 2018 was movie host Joe Bob Briggs, who crashed the servers of streaming service Shudder with his new show The Last Drive-In.

It feels very appropriate, then, that these forces collide with the latest issue of Fangoria. Joe Bob Briggs is featured on the cover, along with teases for articles on 2018's best kills, Tom Savini, Last Podcast on the Left, the Soska twins' remake of David Cronenberg's RABID, and the homoeroticism of A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 2.

I haven't subscribed to the new Fangoria just yet, but after reading that October issue and seeing the cover of the new one, I'm thinking I really should get a subscription.

Entertainment Weekly got the first look at the Joe Bob cover, which can be seen below.

Published by
Cody Hamman