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Mark Hamill responds to new Star Wars title

Yesterday the world lost its mind and several fans imploded when the title for the new movie was dropped on us without warning. Now called STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI, fans and are now going through a speculation bonanza as to what it could allude to. But for the members of the cast it’s one more mystery they can get off their chest. Mark Hamill is one of those cast members, and he spoke briefly to The Associated Press about it.

He [director Rian Johnson] told me that when we were making the movie, and I said, "Don’t tell me these things. I talk in my sleep!" They have us so jacked-up with paranoia over leaks, but that’s the way of the world. You know, it’s funny, back when we were making the original nobody cared.

As for the title itself:

It's got a real samurai — you know — it's straightforward and minimalist and I like that.

I agree with Hamill here. There’s something very blunt and mythical about the title that, though simple, has an immediate and powerful effect. I mean, take a look at what it’s doing to fans already. Will someone die? Does it just allude to Luke Skywalker’s (Hamill) larger presence in this movie than FORCE AWAKENS. It’s all up in the air and just one more thing we have to let float around in our mind until the movie comes out this December. I already got enough up there after the Oscar nominations!

STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI arrives December 15.

Published by
Matt Rooney