Categories: Movie News

The Batman director Matt Reeves talks why he will never make a Marvel movie

Director Matt Reeves is riding high on some fantastic reviews for The Batman and its inevitable box office dominance. Given what he has done with the popular DC character, it had to be asked if he would ever helm a film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the director made it clear that he doesn’t think he ever will.

During a recent profile for Variety, Reeves revealed why he will likely never cross over from DC to make an MCU movie. It has nothing to do with his dislike of the universe, the filmmakers, or Marvel boss Kevin Feige, but everything to do with a lack of creative freedom. He feels this would hinder his ability as a director. Here is what he had to say:

“I have such respect for Kevin Feige and also for the [Marvel] filmmakers. But to be honest with you, I just don’t know how I would make my way through that. There has to be some level of discovery for me, where I have some freedom to find my way. If I have to come into something that’s already set too firmly, then I think I would get lost. And I don’t think they would be happy with me either.”

Matt Reeves also commented on the changing industry as a whole. He believes that audiences only seem interested in seeing movies in theaters that are based on recognizable IP. The director admitted to struggling with this throughout the majority of his career. After he directed Cloverfield and the film became a big hit, Reeves turned down multiple offers to direct tentpoles, which resulted in him helming the smaller-budget horror remake Let Me In as his next project in 2010.

Perhaps his stance on tentpole filmmaking changed because he did go on to direct two Planet of the Apes movies, which were very well-received, and now he has tackled The Batman to equally stellar reviews. Maybe if the tentpoles allow him the creative space to do what he does best, he doesn’t mind if it’s based on recognizable IP. He just wants the freedom to do the work as he sees fit.

Do YOU agree with the reason Matt Reeves has for not wanting to direct an MCU film?

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