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Most of the original cast will return for the SLC Punk sequel Punk’s Dead

I'm not sure what to expect from PUNK'S DEAD, the sequel to 1998's SLC PUNK! (Jesus, it's been fifteen years?!) but I am very glad James Merendino is back to write and direct it. Movies involving hardcore fans of music, movies or anything really (think DETROIT ROCK CITY or FANBOYS) can be tricky because you want to make sure the characters (and their love for whatever the film focuses on) are believable. The punks from Merendino's film? Very believable and accurate.

James Merendino has given us an update on his Facebook page, and apparently almost all of the original cast will be back for PUNK'S DEAD:

Devon, Matthew, Annabeth, James, Til, Michael and Chris are in! Punk's Dead is inevitable, bitches.

In case you can't figure it out based on just their first names, he's talking about Matthew Lillard (Stevo), Devon Sawa (Sean), Annabeth Gish (Trish), Jimmy Duval (John the Mod), Til Schweiger (Mark), Michael Goorjian (Heroin Bob) and Christopher McDonald (Stevo's Dad). No word on if Jason Segel will be back as Mike, but he probably won't be available.

Some fans asked Merendino a couple of questions on his page as well, and his answers revealed a little bit more about the film. PUNK'S DEAD will still have monologues by Lillard and John the Mod will apparently be completely different from how he was in SLC PUNK!

Some people might argue that a sequel doesn't need to happen, and I've even heard some punk fans being bitchy about it. But I would have no problem seeing what Stevo is up to, and if done right PUNK'S DEAD could be an awesome return for some great characters.

PUNK'S DEAD should be out sometime in 2014.

Published by
Jesse Giroux