Categories: Horror Movie News

Nathan Thomas Milliner’s A Wish for the Dead hits disc March 22

Most horror fans are probably familiar with the artwork of Nathan Thomas Milliner, and as time goes on he is also giving us more and more chances to get acquainted with his skills as a director as well. The first two Milliner directorial efforts to be released were shorts (a contribution to the anthology film VOLUMES OF BLOOD, the fan film THE CONFESSION OF FRED KRUEGER), but on March 22nd LeglessCorpse Films will be releasing his feature debut on DVD and Blu-ray.

Entitled A WISH FOR THE DEAD, the film has the following synopsis: 

John Hill (Chris Petty) is a desperate man. Since discovering his wife has terminal cancer he has locked himself in the hospital and is looking for any shred of hope that can save his young wife from her suffering.
That is when he meets The Man (Robert Hatfield) who offers him a way to beat death. John's actions will effect the lives of several other players in our tale in the process.
A single mother who is being stalked (Julie Streble), a teenaged girl who is being brutally bullied at school (Lori Cooke), an innocent man on death row (Adam Pepper), and a young girl who is losing her grandfather (Kristine Renee Farley).
Like PULP FICTION & TRICK R TREAT, this horrifying drama features multiple victims who are intertwined and connected by one central event and the world will never be the same again.

PULP FICTION and TRICK 'R TREAT are some fine films to be compared to. To get an idea of the tone and style of A WISH FOR THE DEAD, check out the (slightly NSFW) trailer below. If it looks like something you'd want to check out, the DVD and Blu-ray can be pre-ordered from LeglessCorpseAll pre-orders made before March 15th will come with a free signed poster. The Blu-ray edition features an audio commentary by Milliner and producer Herschel Zahnd.

Published by
Cody Hamman