Categories: Horror Movie News

New stills from The Hunger Games focus on the villains

Entertainment Weekly is taking a break from featuring TWILIGHT on every other cover to direct its attention toward THE HUNGER GAMES, which will no doubt get its own cover once every couple month from now until the last film is released. The flick is fast approaching and we’re in the middle of the full-on promotional blitz that comes with it, so hang in there; I’m sure there are only 8,000 more stills to come…

The new issue of EW gives us a few new images from the Gary Ross film which highlight the story’s antagonists. In the image above, you’ll see President Snow (played by Donald Sutherland) and Seneca Crane (Wes Bentley); the former is the dictator who rules over the entire population and puts these kill-or-be-killed games into motion, while the latter is the Head Gamemaker, meaning he designs the dangerous terrains the games are played on. (It’s worth noting that the character is barely in the original novel but appears to have a significant presence in the film adaptation.)

In the below photo, you see the young villains of the games themselves, Isabelle Fuhrman (Clove), Alexander Ludwig (Cato), Jack Quaid (Marvel), and Leven Rambin (Glimmer). These are the teens that Jennifer Lawrence’s Katniss will have to bump heads with in order to survive – and they’re some mean sonsofbitches…

To read the HUNGER GAMES article, head on over to EW. The film comes out on MARCH 23rd.

HUNGER GAMES villainess Leven Rambin

Published by
Eric Walkuski