Categories: Movie Trailers

Raging Fire: Donnie Yen hunts down criminals in action-packed trailer

If you're a fan of Donnie Yen – and who isn't – then you'll definitely want to check out the Raging Fire trailer. The hard-hitting action film finds Donnie Yen starring as cop whose past comes back to haunt him when his former protégé returns as the head of a mysterious group of criminals. It looks like a blast. Check out the trailer above!

Raging Fire is also the final film from director Benny Chan, who fell ill during production and later passed away from nasopharyngeal cancer after shooting had concluded. In a press-conference earlier this month, Donnie Yen shed a few tears as he shared his memories of Chan's last moments. "He was suffering through chemotherapy, and he was so thin," Yen recalled. "He couldn’t even eat much, but he was always in high spirits. He never stopped talking about Raging Fire. Even though his cancer spread after working on the movie for a few months, he still continued to direct."

The official synopsis for Raging Fire:

Shan (Donnie Yen) is a highly respected hardline cop with a long history of success on dangerous cases. However, his past unexpectedly comes back to haunt him when a sting operation is attacked by a mysterious group of criminals led by Ngo (Nicholas Tse), his former protégé, a talented former officer who had once respected and admired Shan. However, a terrible mistake three years prior landed him in prison, quickly turning the once rising star into a furious man with a grudge, and the will to destroy everyone who had wronged him—including his former mentor.

Raging Fire will debut in Hong Kong on July 30, 2021, and is set to hit U.S. theaters later this year.

Published by
Kevin Fraser