Categories: Horror Movie News

Resident Evil 6 update: ‘Wheel’s aren’t quite in motion yet’

We've known for a while that Sony/Screen Gems and director Paul W.S. Anderson have wanted to continue their RESIDENT EVIL franchise, learning last year that a sixth film was planned for a September 12 2014 release. But if you were sitting on high hopes to see RESIDENT EVIL 6 later this year, we've got some news that will unfortunately burst your bubble.

Collider recently sat down to talk with Anderson about his upcoming POMPEII and his plans for another entry in the long-running RESIDENT EVIL series and Anderson revealed that, while another film is planned, it is still too early to say when we may see it. According to Anderson, he only finished POMPEII a few days ago and hasn’t begun to think about anything but a vacation.  However, he did say…

“we’d like to do another Resident Evil movie. Definitely.  But the wheels aren’t quite in motion yet.”

The site also states that Anderson hasn’t begun writing the script, but he did tell them awhile ago that he had a story in mind for RESIDENT EVIL 6 that involved a lot of death and would bring the franchise to a close. In addition, they caught up with Screen Gems President, Clint Culpepper, at the junket and he made it very clear that another RESIDENT EVIL was a priority and he was just waiting on Anderson to move forward.

So bad news, RESIDENT EVIL fans. There won't be a new RESIDENT EVIL film this year after all. But I wouldn't be surprised to hear that the film will be headed into production later this year for a 2016 release. We'll keep you updated on RE6 as we hear it.

Published by
Kevin Woods