Categories: Horror Movie News

Ridley Scott reveals Prometheus 2 title; is it an Alien movie after all?

So remember when Ridley Scott seemed hellbent on keeping the worlds of PROMETHEUS and ALIEN as separate as possible, going so far as to say he didn’t want any more “dragons” in his PROMETHEUS universe? I think you can throw all that out the window.

In an interview with HeyUGuys, Scott reveals that his PROMETHEUS sequel will actually be called ALIEN: PARADISE LOST.  

This would even contradict what Scott said in another recent interview, where he claimed that while the PROMETHEUS films would eventually tie into the ALIEN universe, it wouldn’t be in the next installment. (It would be two or three films down the line, according to him.) It was in this interview Scott also said the “whole point of [Prometheus] is to explain the Alien franchise and to explain the how and why of the creation of the Alien itself.” Again, this is very much not in keeping with Scott’s earlier proclamations that PROMETHEUS would be its own thing, but perhaps this has been the plan all along. We’ll need some clarification, and soon.

If indeed ALIEN: PARADISE LOST is the title of the film, which reportedly begins production early next year, I suppose you xenomorph fans can go ahead and get excited. The dragons are coming back to town.

Published by
Eric Walkuski