Categories: Horror Movie News

Scream Factory announces Manhunter among 2016 titles

Before SILENCE OF THE LAMBS, Hannibal Lecter (spelled "Lecktor" for unfathomable reasons) had an appetizer in Michael Mann's hideously underrated 1986 thriller MANHUNTER. Starring William Peterson (CSI) as Will Graham and Brian Cox (THE BOURNE IDENTITY) as the cannibal psychiatrist, it was based on Thomas Harris' novel RED DRAGON, and remade with Anthony Hopkins after the success of SILENCE.

However, Scream Factory isn't going to allow MANHUNTER's legacy to be scattered to the winds by a lisping Jodie Foster. They announced their release of the "Ultimate Collector's Edition" today during their barrage of pre-Halloween announcements. They haven't announced special features or a release date, but details shall arrive in the New Year!

The other titles that are appearing on Blu-Ray for the first time during their 2016 season include:

LADY IN WHITE (1988): Releasing in Spring, this spooky flick is based on a ghost story told around the Rochester, New York area and stars DARK WAS THE NIGHT's Lukas Haas.

MURDERS IN THE RUE MORGUE (1971) / THE DUNWICH HORROR (1970): Also coming in Spring, this cult classic double feature will be appearing on Blu-Ray for the first time. Based on works by Edgar Allen Poe and H. P. Lovecraft, the latter stars Gidget herself, Sandra Dee!

SPECIES II (1998): Another Spring release, this one will coincide with a double feature of SPECIES III (2004) and SPECIES IV: THE AWAKENING (2007). It's a Speciestacular!

Stay tuned for another big announcement tomorrow on their Facebook page!

Published by
Brennan Klein