Categories: Horror Movie Trailers

Trailer: Sleepless Beauty draws comparisons to Saw and Martyrs

The trailer embedded above is for director Pavel Khvaleev's Russian horror film SLEEPLESS BEAUTY, which appears to be quite brutal and intense, in addition to being deeply weird. Going by what's in the trailer, this looks like it's going to be along the lines of the films that came out of the mid-'00s torture boom… and in fact, the marketing materials include a quote that compares SLEEPLESS BEAUTY to SAW and MARTYRS.

Described as "a bloody journey with a hint of the SAW saga" that "would be the macabre explanation to the consequences of the horrors that happen in MARTYRS", SLEEPLESS BEAUTY was scripted by Aleksandra Khvaleeva, Evgeniy Gagarin, and Elena Gagarina.

The synopsis: 

A young girl named Mila is kidnapped. The unknown abductors keep her in an old garage, talk to her through a loudspeaker and set strict rules: she must not sleep but has to fulfill weird tasks that they've prepared for her. It all looks like someone's sick ideas and gloomy entertainment. Still, the girl doesn't suspect that she's part of a ruthless experiment.

Polina Davydova, Evgeniy Gagarin, Sergey Topkov, and Andrey Tereshenko star. 

SLEEPLESS BEAUTY was produced by Elena Talyanskaya, Georgiy Smirnov, Evgeniya Mustafina, and Frank Ellrich, with Michael Kraetzer and Nicolás Onetti serving as associate producers.

The film is expected to be released sometime in 2020. We'll let you know when we hear more information on the distribution plans. In the meantime, you can check out a couple posters below:

Published by
Cody Hamman