Categories: Horror Movie News

Unsolved Mysteries may air new episodes by end of the year

Back in April of this past year, we ran a story about the creators of UNSOLVED MYSTERIES and their current attempts to get new episodes of the creepy series back on the air. Today we have an update…

Recently the team over at Decider, um, decided to reach out to the show's creators John Cosgrove and Terry Dunn Meurer and asked them how the planned revival was going, and it turns out the creators plan to have new episodes out by the end of the year!

John Cosgrove and Terry Dunn Meurer on revival series:

We are actively talking to a couple of broadcasters who have shown interest, and we’re very optimistic that we’ll have something by way of new episodes by the end of the year. It’s too early to go into much detail, but we’ve had our research producers look into possible stories and they’ve found some excellent ones which can be ready to go quickly.

Bring it on. I can hear the creeptastic opening theme playing in my head right now and it makes me happy (or, you know, terrified). I'm all for new episodes of the series, least of all for the moral reasoning that the show has been known to catch actual criminals! 

How excited are you about a possible revival of UNSOLVED MYSTERIES? Make sure to hit us up and let us know in the new comments system below, or on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram!


Hosted by Robert Stack (and later Dennis Farina) UNSOLVED MYSTERIES used "a documentary format to showcase real-life mysteries and re-enactments of unsolved crimes, missing persons cases, conspiracy theories and unexplained paranormal phenomena (alien abductions, ghosts, UFOs, and "secret history" theories)" all in an attempt to terrify us as much as humanly possible without actually murdering people.

Until new episodes hit, you can stream the classics RIGHT HERE!

This glorious piece of artwork should be on a sweater worn by a fat kitten. Love it.

Published by
Mike Sprague