Categories: Horror Movie News

Warner Bros. wants Paul Greengrass to helm The Stand adaptation

It was only last week when we learned that CRAZY HEART director Scott Cooper had dropped out of the daunting task of bringing Stephen King's epic novel THE STAND to life on the big screen. Now, Badass Digest reports that Warner Bros. currently has their eyes set on Paul Greengrass (above). Now that's a hell of a choice right there. Apparently he's at the top of the studio's wish list, but that doesn't necessarily mean an offer has been placed or that they've even approached him with this adaptation. It's an odd fit for THE STAND, but that is exactly what makes this choice so damn intriguing. Greengrass is as good a director as any and has been dishing out some solid flicks over the years—the latest being CAPTAIN PHILLIPS—so I'd totally be down with him tackling THE STAND.

There has yet to be any reason given for why Cooper and WB ultimately didn't see eye to eye, but I have a feeling that it had to do with the fact that he was trying to adapt the novel into a single film, but that's just a guess. Maybe they just didn't like the direction it was heading in, who really knows? But nailing up Greengrass for an adaptation with such a large scope is exactly what this project needs. He brings a sense of realism to each of his films and has a gritty style of filmmaking that would fit perfectly with the world that Stephen King king created in THE STAND.

We've already seen David Yates, Ben Affleck and Scott Cooper leave the project for various reasons so let's just hope whether WB gets Greengrass or not that they stick with their next choice and get this thing made already!

Published by
Ryan Miller