Categories: Movie News

What did you think of…Pacific Rim?

We’ve been stoked about the release of PACIFIC RIM since it was
announced a few years ago, mostly because we are huge fans of the man behind the
project, Guillermo del Toro, who we consider to be on the forefront of all
things awesome in genre movie-making today, but also because….well, heck, the
premise sounded amazing! To that end, we’ve covered it all the way through all
of its

trailers and TV spots

exclusive interviews
with the cast and Guillermo himself, and most recently
our reviews of the film which included Eric Walkuski’s more
guarded positive
, followed by Chris Bumbrays’s
as well as the Arrow’s
3.5/4 review
posted today.

But as per most summer blockbuster films, we want to know what you thought of the film so please feel free to POST YOUR OWN REVIEW in our strike back section below (or to your Movie Fan Central
profile) and we’ll continue to update the Rotten Tomatoes and MFC reviews
over the next few days as well.

Rotten Tomatoes:
200 reviews, avg score: 72%
Movie Fan Central:
8 reviews, avg score: 8.4/10

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