Categories: Movie News

Will Smith talks Jared Leto’s Suicide Squad Joker and Bad Boys 3

Will Smith unleashed an info dump yesterday on Beats 1 Radio, giving Zane Lowe the lowdown on everything from Jared Leto‘s performance as the Joker in next year’s SUICIDE SQUAD to the possibility of BAD BOYS 3 still happening. Oh, and for those parents who just don’t understand, he also dropped some hints about a possible concert tour in 2016 that could bring about the return of Big Willie Style, but let’s tackle one thing at a time, shall we?

Smith wishes he could comment on working together with Jared Leto on David Ayer‘s entry into the DC Cinematic Universe, but the truth of the matter is that they never actually met on the set of the film. That’s right… you read that correctly. Smith and Leto never crossed paths. But the Deadshot actor did manage to have some interactions with the Joker.

I’ve never actually met Jared Leto. We worked together for 6 months and we’ve never exchanged a word outside of ‘Action!’ and ‘Cut!’ I literally have not met him yet. So, the first time I see him will be ‘Hey, Jared. What’s up?’ He was all in on the Joker.

Leto apparently went very deeply method in order to strike the right tone for his performance in establishing the Joker as a force to be reckoned with in this new version of Gotham, and, while you can’t fault the man for doing that in order to do his best work, is it really a good idea for anyone to get that “all in” when it comes to the twisted mind of the Joker? I guess only his psychiatrist will know for sure.

As for BAD BOYS 3, which last we heard had Joe Carnahan involved and may not include Will Smith, the actor who played Mike Lowery in the first two installments offered up a time frame as to when you could expect to see this go from a rumored idea to an actual feature film.

There is a very, very, very strong possibility that you will be seeing a Bad Boys within the next 12 to 16 months.

And, for the Fresh Prince music fans, it’d be a summer world tour with DJ Jazzy Jeff, but you can listen to Smith’s entire interview with Lowe for those further details.

SUICIDE SQUAD opens up the DC Cinematic Universe a little further on August 5, 2016. BAD BOYS 3 is still scheduled for February 17, 2017.

Published by
Billy Donnelly