

Cheering on the Ventura County Derby Darlin's with my 9 year old future roller derby jammer, spending more money outfitting my Sims than I do myself, scavenging through the dollar bins trying to find my favorite discarded hair metal bands on CD and telling my baby sister that she smells like poo. Oh, and watching movies.

Favorite Movies

The Fisher King, Clerks, Mallrats, Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Say Anything, Secretary, The Doom Generation, Punch Drunk Love, Dazed & Confused, The Spirit of '76, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, The Good Girl, Serenity, The Goonies, Encino Man, Gone With the Wind, Barbarella and anything else that will make me look uber-cool in the eyes of readers

The Bottom Shelf #126

Everyone and their mother thinks that they can write a movie about relationships these days. Not just the standard rom-com,…

The Bottom Shelf #125

I would break my rules for Peter Dinklage. I’ve got this thing against guys under 5’8″. You know how some…

The Bottom Shelf #124

Writing The Bottom Shelf has prevented me from watching BABEL. Oh, I could have seen it in the theaters, I…

The Bottom Shelf #123

Americana. There’s nothing more American than spending time with your friends, going on roadtrips and drinking too much. Or growing…

The Bottom Shelf #122

Small town life. It’s supposed to be simple, untroubled and boring. Most of the time it is. But when cinema…

The Bottom Shelf #121

Terry Gilliam is one of those directors that most people either love or hate. Most of his films are filled…

The Bottom Shelf #120

I’m feeling like a girl lately. It could be attributed to a number of things, but more likely than not…

The Bottom Shelf #119

Last week I profiled some more recent examples of sophomoric sex humour. This week, I thought I’d go retro and…

The Bottom Shelf #118

This summer there are a slew of movies which struggled to make a PG-13 rating. Those that struggled less than…

The Bottom Shelf #117

It’s a mystery to me how movies certain movies get made. How at this point in our evolution, we still…

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