Top 10 Disney Movies That Should Get Remakes

Last Updated on April 3, 2022

As Disney continues to bring their animated properties to the big screen in live action (or photorealistic CGI), there are many films in their Vault that are worthy of a makeover. Whether it be a classic film or a more contemporary one, Disney has a ton of properties ripe for reimagining. Here is a ranking of the ten films we would like to see Disney make next either with an all new cast and crew or a long-awaited sequel. If you disagree with our picks or think we missed one, let us know in the comments below.


One of the most underrated Disney films ever made, this is a movie that could tap into the vast Hispanic population of movie-goers who would love to see themselves on the big screen.There is so much meta-humor in this tale that could make for one of the most fun films Disney has ever made.


While I still hold out hope for a true sequel to Robert Zemeckis’ classic film, technology has improved so much that I am becoming more open to a reboot or even a standalone film set in the same universe. Nothing can top the magical originality of WHO FRAMED ROGER RABBIT? but there are a lot of talented filmmakers out there whom I would love to see give this project a shot. Assuming, of course, that Zemeckis himself isn’t open to coming back.


Lloyd Alexander’s Chronicles of Prydain is a LORD OF THE RINGS scale saga that Disney gave short shrift with THE BLACK CAULDRON. They could easily adapt it into a fantasy epic that would rival many other film studio studio. I would love to see this story told properly and it has the potential to be even better than Peter Jackson’s saga and the CHRONICLES OF NARNIA combined.


This may be the Disney animated film that I am least familiar with but I love that it has a distinct visual style and a very strong sense of humor. So many of the live action Disney films have been serious that I would love to see one that is primarily a comedy. Taking a Greek legend and playing it for laughs could distance this movie from the box office bombs that was the Dwayne Johnson version.


Yeah, I know, we don’t need another King Arthur or another THE KID WHO WOULD BE KING, but Disney has a great and unique take on the English legend with this film that could appeal to kids of all ages. It is very much about Arthur as a child and ends before he truly becomes King, so it could make for a nice change of pace compared to some of the recent adaptations of the material.


While the White Savior story would definitely need to be updated, POCAHONTAS has some nice songs and could be a welcomely diverse film alongside ALADDIN and the upcoming MULAN remake. Native Americans have not been too fond of the telling of this story in the past, but Disney could do it justice by getting the right cast and crew involved to tell it the way it was meant to be told.


One of the few remaining musicals that Disney has not adapted yet, this is also one of the most famous works of literature that has not been remade by Hollywood in recent memory. While Quasimodo could be too scary for some kids, if Disney found a way to bring the Beast to life, they can tell this story. Plus, if ALADDIN is a hit, this could be another Disney film with a male protagonist that could make big bucks for the House of Mouse.


One of the most disturbing children’s films ever made, BAMBI has touched as many viewers as it has scarred. If THE LION KING can successfully tell a story with no human characters and if DUMBO can expand a bare bone’s plot to a feature length, why not BAMBI?


Talk has already begun on bringing Tim Burton and Henry Selick’s THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS to live action, but I think Burton’s second animated film is more deserving. John Favreau blended animation and live action perfectly in THE JUNGLE BOOK and that same treatment could be applied for this fantastical tale.


The animated adventures of Scrooge McDuck and Donald Duck’s nephews Huey, Duey, and Louie have been recently rebooted as a Disney Channel series, but the epic adventures of their classic film is perfect for another big screen adventure. Whether traditional cel animation or a CGI extravaganza, this is a franchise that could work beautifully on the big screen.


About the Author

6076 Articles Published

Alex Maidy has been a editor, columnist, and critic since 2012. A Rotten Tomatoes-approved critic and a member of Chicago Indie Critics, Alex has been's primary TV critic and ran columns including Top Ten and The UnPopular Opinion. When not riling up fans with his hot takes, Alex is an avid reader and aspiring novelist.