Categories: Movie News

Sean Gunn teases new Infinity War logo in Instagram pic

After five looooooong years of getting ready for the arrival of Thanos (Josh Brolin) in the MCU, we only have one year left until we witness the Infinity War a.k.a. the greatest superhero mash-up in the history of ever. Being so (relatively) close, this will be the year of INFINITY WAR news: images, interviews, production teases, and no doubt, a teaser poster and trailer later this year. 2017 is going to be Christmas all year for Marvel fans, and it will all start with Instagram posts like this one.

Sean Gunn, brother of James Gunn who directed the two GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY movies, has spent some time in the MCU both as the production stand-in for Rocket Raccoon (Bradley Cooper) and as the Ravager Kraglin. So naturally he will be around the AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR set in some way (Cooper stand-in), and in an Instagram post he teased not only his presence, but something else new entirely. Dun dun!

As you can see by his warm-looking cap he is clearly working on the movie (which is now in production at Pinewood Studios on Atlanta, Georgia), but he also reveals what appears to be a new logo for the movie, which put the Avengers “A” into the movie's subtitle. I direct you to Exhibit A, the header image which shows the title of the film. Now, as the jury can attest, there’s no Avenger “A” in the “Infinity War” subhead as the logo currently stands, meaning the beanie logo is a new addition. I rest my case.

Like a lot of Instagram posts it’s not much, but I think a lot of nerd speculation can be wrung from this. First of all is this a new logo or just a fancy, exclusive crew gift? If it's the new logo, is it the only logo, and by that I mean the new title? If it’s still AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR there’s no need for two Avenger “A” symbols — that’s just “A” overkill. So, the movie would just be called INFINITY WAR. Makes sense, as it’s been said this and the next AVENGERS movie in 2019 are unique from one another, so a way of distinguishing them could be non-AVENGERS titles. That, and it’s important to note that with the inclusion of the Guardians of the Galaxy this isn’t strictly an Avengers movie. It will be a massive showcase of virtually the entire MCU roster. Ah, there’s so much to think about! Damn the small orphan hands that knitted that beanie!

AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR arrives May 4, 2018.

Published by
Matt Rooney