Whitaker out, 50 in?

Sounds like Sly Stallone’s THE EXPENDABLES just sacrificed a small slice of coolness. AICN says that scheduling shifts on the…

50 out, Crews in?

There was a minor uproar the other day when Sly Stallone announced he’d be replacing Forest Whitaker with Curtis “50…

Kurt turns down Sly?

Since it was first announced, we’ve been closely monitoring Sylvester Stallone’s action flick THE EXPENDABLES, if only to see who…

Expendables Twitters

I don’t know if Twitter is the new ICQ, the new MySpace or the new Facebook, but it certainly is…

Expendables updates

I don’t know if it’s the luck of the update schedule, or my own exaggerated interest in the project, but…

Brittany joins Sly

Brittany Murphy had a lot going for her at one point. She was headlining her own movies and had endorsement…

Expendables villain

Sly Stallone’s mercenary mission THE EXPENDABLES has found the magnet for what will surely be profuse amounts of ammunition. And…

New Expendable pics

While a lot of us took some time off to celebrate Easter or Passover, Sly and his crew down in…

Dolph on Expendables

WARNING: POTENTIAL SPOILERS! When Sly Stallone’s action flick THE EXPENDABLES first started coming together, his ROCKY IV opponent Dolph Lundgren…

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