Black Adam: Dwayne Johnson plans to fight Henry Cavill’s Superman in a future movie

Black Adam, Dwayne Johnson, event, Toronto

Dwayne Johnson was built to play a superhero. And it’s interesting that since the explosion in the popularity of the genre, Johnson has yet to play one until the upcoming Black Adam. Johnson has played a lot of roles where he is a sensitive tough guy, but Black Adam aims to showcase him in a darker role as a morally ambiguous entity who isn’t necessarily a hero by classic standards.

The character Black Adam is known for being the yang to Shazam’s yin. In fact, the character nearly appeared in the first Shazam movie until Johnson intervened. It would seem that this origin story is the first step towards a battle with Shazam, but Variety now reports Johnson sets his sights on the blue boy scout himself, Superman.

When asked if Johnson would like to do a ‘versus’ movie with the two titans at Comic-Con this summer, he was very clear in saying, “Absolutely. That is the whole point of this, man.”

Johnson explains, “I have been saying for some time there’s a new era in the DC Universe that’s about to begin. And what I meant by that was introducing a brand new character. It’s not a sequel, not an existing IP. It was…you know, Black Adam. Two years ago, the world had no idea who he was. We did, but not the rest of the masses out there. What I really meant by ‘This is a new era in the DC Universe’ is listening to the fans. And doing our best to give the fans what they want.”

He continues, “I’ve been waiting for someone to step up and address the fans and say, ‘Hey, we hear you.’ So finally, after many months turned into many years, we ended up with what we ended up at. And the whole goal and intention now is to this new era, new time. Now let’s build out.”

What do you think? Would you be interested in seeing Dwayne Johnson duke it out with Henry Cavill? 

Black Adam, Superman
Note: This is not a leaked photo. This is photoshop magic from the writer, E.J.

Source: Variety

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1890 Articles Published

E.J. is a News Editor at JoBlo, as well as a Video Editor, Writer, and Narrator for some of the movie retrospectives on our JoBlo Originals YouTube channel, including Reel Action, Revisited and some of the Top 10 lists. He is a graduate of the film program at Missouri Western State University with concentrations in performance, writing, editing and directing.