Cool Video: Cancelled Doom 4 footage!

Last Updated on August 2, 2021

So this is really cool! For those who don't know, after 2004's Doom 3, the follow-up – aptly-titled Doom 4 – was in, for lack of a better term, "development hell" for years until finally getting cancelled, leading to Bethesda's Doom 2016. During that time, some assets from the cancelled game had leaked, and it's been known that it would have followed Doom II: Hell on Earth's footsteps and be set on Earth.

However, Reddit user colonelmelnyk has released even more footage from the – again, lack of a better term – doomed game, which you can see for yourself at the top of the article! And while there seems to be some cool ideas (in fact, many of them – such as the executions and some enemy concepts – were later being repurposed in the 2016 reboot), it does seem that going back to basics with 2016 was the way to go.

Meanwhile, the newest expansion pack for the also Earth-bound Doom: Eternal – titled The Ancient Gods  – is available right now on consoles and PC!

So what do you guys think? Would you have liked to have seen Doom 4, or are you glad we got Doom 2016 instead? Either way, sound off below!

Source: YouTube

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