Shane Black would make a sequel to The Nice Guys in a heartbeat

Last Updated on July 30, 2021

Shane Black's THE NICE GUYS, which he called a "spiritual sequel" to KISS KISS BANG BANG, was one of my favourite movies of 2016. And what's not to like? Ryan Gosling starred as struggling private-eye Holland March with Russell Crowe as hired enforcer Jackson Healy, two working-class blokes who were forced to work together in order to solve the case of a missing girl and the death of a porn-star. Throw in a swanky '70s setting combined with a healthy dose of dark humour and you've got something quite special, but unfortunately, THE NICE GUYS wasn't exactly the box-office success that it deserved to be.

Prior to the release of THE NICE GUYS, Shane Black did say that he wasn't about to rule out the possibility of a sequel, but that he didn't want to jinx it by talking about it. Oh oh. While speaking with Fandango, Black was asked whether he was still into developing a sequel to THE NICE GUYS.

In a heartbeat, if someone would pay for it. We had all kinds of ideas. The problem is it didn't do that well at the box office. I imagine it will break even, which is not a formula for reacquiring two very expensive movie stars and proceeding with a sequel.

Despite Shane Black's enthusiasm, he seems to accept that the chances of a NICE GUYS sequel doesn't seem likely, but should that day arrive, Black said that he would be "ready to go," adding that "If someone decided that it were enough of a cult hit to justify that, I'd be on it." I've no doubt that THE NICE GUYS will enjoy a cult-following for years to come, but a sequel? I'm not about to hold my breath, although it's certainly nice to imagine.

Shane Black's next film, THE PREDATOR, will hit theaters on September 14, 2018.

Source: Fandango

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10532 Articles Published

Based in Canada, Kevin Fraser has been a news editor with JoBlo since 2015. When not writing for the site, you can find him indulging in his passion for baking and adding to his increasingly large collection of movies that he can never find the time to watch.