The Road trailer

In an article the other day in Esquire, their writer called THE ROAD the “most important” movie of 2009. Of…

Road is important

Some lucky mother f-cker over at Esquire has seen THE ROAD and has some strong things to say about it,…

The Road gets a date

If you were looking forward to seeing filthy futuristic Viggo Mortensen and his youngster traveling post-apocalyptic America, you were left…

Viggo on Road delay

Fans of post-apocalyptic stories and author Cormac McCarthy (NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN) weren’t the only ones dejected over the…

Road cannibal pics

Jeremy Ambler, an actor playing a minor character in the upcoming drama THE ROAD, the feature adaptation of the celebrated…

New Road pic online

Where do you go when you want to film the end of the world without using computer effects? Pittsburgh apparently….

Hillcoat Travels Road

It’s been a hurricane of a week for Cormac McCarthy and his novel THE ROAD. First it was selected as…