Avatar beats Monsters

As previously reported, it seemed as though when 2009 arrives, we’d be looking at two huge new 3-D releases scheduled on the same day.

AVATAR, the massively anticipated new sci-fi epic from James Cameron has won the coveted Memorial Day weekend that year. The contender has flinched — Dreamworks’ retro-flavored flick MONSTERS vs. ALIENS has reeled back its release date by one weekend to May 15, 2009, obviously in the hope of knocking some of the wind out of Jim’s CG-rendered sails.

MvA comes from people behind SHREK 2 and SHARK TALE, while AVATAR (though still shrouded in as much secrecy as the internets allow) comes from the guy behind ALIENS and THE TERMINATOR movies. Sight unseen, you can probably guess who’ll automatically get my money…

Source: Variety

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