David Lynch developing Wisteria, a new show for Netflix!

Last Updated on August 2, 2021

So this is cool! It had been rumored for a while now that cult writer-director David Lynch was possibly developing a new project with Netflix (after last year's short film What Did Jack Do?, about a detective interrogating a monkey who is suspected of murder, starring Lynch himself as the detective). And now – according to Production Weekly – we have a tentative title and production start date: Wisteria and May 2021.

Unfortunately, not much is known about the project currently, other than Lynch is reportedly writing and directing it himself, and also that he'll be working alongside longtime collaborator and producer Sabrina S. Sutherland.

Meanwhile, no official release date, casting, or any plot details as of this time. But we'll definitely keep you posted!

So what do you guys think? Fans of David Lynch? If so, what're your favorite projects of his? Either way, sound off below!

Source: Production Weekly

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